Wednesday, May 16, 2012

two BIG things

We are striving each and every day to be Jesus followers. Kind of difficult at times, eh? Well, yes it is. That whole loving your enemy, praying and fasting, reading the bible, and doing good thing has its share of problems. Yet, in all of our attempts to follow Jesus, we must remember the night that he gave himself up for us. Not only did he share the bread and the cup, but he also bent down and washed his disciples feet. This act of servant hood is a call for us to serve others in our desire follow Jesus. I believe our grace-infused efforts do not go in vain. Let us find hope in that!

Two BIG Things!
This weekend, there are two things happening that we want you to know about. First, this Saturday will be our next Campus Kitchen Project (food recovery hunger ministry). We want your help!  Please consider helping us prepare the food beginning at 3 PM. The prep will continue until 6 PM. We will serve at Regency House (5201 Connecticut Ave NW) beginning at 6:30. You are invited and encouraged to join us for prep or serving. We could use your help for an hour or for three hours. Whatever you can give. Please consider coming to the St. Luke’s Mission Center this Saturday, May 19 to help us feed others. Not only do we serve others, but we have a lot of fun in the process! If you are able to help, please RSVP to David Hackney by Friday.

Then, join us for worship on Sunday at 5 PM and plan on hanging around for our community pot-luck dinner. This is a great chance to continue our conversations in an informal setting around the table. As a part of this meal, we will invite you to also come out to the community garden and plant the seedlings that were started during the season of Lent. It is our hope that this garden space becomes a place where we can bear fruit so that we might feed others. Please bring your favorite dish to share with us at the pot-luck dinner. If you get the chance, please let me know what you might be bringing!

**Please note, the Crossroads community is scheduled on the third Sunday of the month to provide dinner for the residents of the St. Luke’s Shelter. Our potluck meal will be that dinner this week. So, come ready to share what you have with others!

I look forward to seeing you once again this weekend. I can’t wait to see how God is working through us to bless others!

Joy and Peace,


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