Thursday, May 24, 2012

A blast of life!!!

My heart sings tonight. I am so grateful to be a part of the Metropolitan Cooperative Parish, and the Metropolitan, Crossroads and Wesley faith communities. There is so much good energy and spirit that's taking place right now. My heart sings for Pentecost energy. The kind of energy that is a blast of life that fills every part of your body and causes your soul to sing out in joy.

Last week, folks participated in campus kitchen project, we heard stories from three residents of the St. Luke's Shelter, we shared a meal together, and we planted in the St. Luke's Community Garden for our hunger ministries.

On top of that, we celebrated in worship what God is doing in our midst. I'm telling you, my heart is singing right now. Singing a song of hope, of joy, and justice.

What's gonna happen this week? How is God gonna show up? How will our hearts sing with the Pentecost energy that breathes the very breath of God into our lives?

I don't know, but I can't wait to see and then to sing some more! Will you join me?


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