Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Called to Serve

"We are called to be light for the Kingdom, to live in the freedom of the City of God. We are called to act with justice, we are called to love tenderly. We are called to love on another, to walk humbly with God."

We begin this week with a look at how we can be engaged with people throughout the world. One of the most amazing efforts to stamp out malaria related deaths is to use bed nets. This video provides a taste of what bed nets mean to the people of Africa.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Little Night Music

Last week I talked about the Power of a Song. This week, we'll get to experience that during and after our Crossroads worship. This week, we present "A Little Night Music" a concert to benefit our music ministries across the Metropolitan Parish. There will be exciting music from In-Process (from Wesley), Dayspring Choir, The Crossroads Band, and various solos from each church. There will be hors d'oeuvres in the garden beginning at 6:30. The concert will get underway at 7:30 followed by dessert and coffee in the garden afterwards. Please make plans to stay for this wonderful night of musical celebration!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Power of a Song

I like singing in my shower because it is all tile and enclosed with a glass door. That means that the acoustics are fantastic! I just love how a particular song sounds in there! No matter where you find yourself singing (in the car, walking your dogs, or in the shower) there is something about the power of a song.

Songs have long been identified as a portal into the soul. You can reach the heart of a person quicker than anything else when you use music. Music calms fears, helps us through trials, encourages us, and speaks out for justice. Whether it is the singing of a lullaby or the powerful words of "We Shall Overcome," songs speak meaning into our lives.

In the book of Ephesians, Paul writes to the church in Ephesus about certain things to avoid (unwise living, etc). He says to "be filled with the Spirit as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, singing and making melody to the Lord in your hearts." A life in the spirit, or a life full of joy is often expressed through the giving of ourselves and our worship. When we sing, we offer praise to God, and we receive peace, comfort, restoration and life!

One of my professors says, "In all the stuff you deal with, where do you find joy!" Many of us find joy in the power of song. In the midst of your day (or your stuff), keep on singing!
