Friday, May 4, 2012

Good Stuff Happens!

After a quick scan of the headlines this morning, this is what I found: 86 million invisible unemployed, Catholic priest had secret life, 1 in 3 adults lie to spouse about money, guy charged with slavery (all from Granted, there were a few “positive stories” mentioned, but for the most part it was all the negative news that is “plaguing our land.” This is one reason I have been so excited about our conversations post-Easter. As we live into a new reality and what it means to be a people of hope, we do so in spite of the evil and injustice in our land. Not that we don’t resist this oppression (as it says in our profession of faith), but as we seek to love mercy and do justice, we also seek to become people who grow in God’s grace. Part of that growth comes in telling our stories. In the midst of those stories we do hear heartache, but we also hear good stuff, hope, and a grace-filled love that permeates our community.

 In spite of what the headlines might say, good stuff does happen. We are hearing in the stories of people in our community, and there are voices in the world who are telling other stories as well. Chris Simon, a 20-something member of our parish, is a part of group of five young adults who are scouring the country to share (what I like to call) God sightings. They are bringing to light the good that people are doing. They are sharing how humanity is doing good. I believe these acts are infused with God’s grace…that is certainly good news. Their project (Bus 52) is a year-long project to share “good news”. I invite you to join them in their journey. Visit their website and see the good that is being done.

 I’d also like to encourage you to participate. They are looking for your what good has happened to you this week. You can post a 10 second video to youtube and then share it on their Facebook page (make sure you title the video goodstuffhappens: TITLE). When you share it, mention @goodstuffhappens or @Bus52). This will be a great encouragement to these young people while they are on the road sharing the good that is happening.

 In the meantime, join us for worship this Sunday as we continue to celebrate the good that is happening all around us. We will hear another story and share life together. We will also conclude our service with our monthly service to Grate Patrol (remember, be in the know of the service opportunities that are taking place in the parish – join lots of helping hands and receive notices when we need volunteers or sign up to help out) John Wesley (the founder of Methodism) said, ““Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.” Let it be so! Amen.


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