Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What is it...this Crossroads?

So I was thinking (dangerous, I know). Just what in the world is Crossroads? I don't like labels in this case, so I was searching for ways to describe the experience. Imagine an electric guitar, bass guitar, drums, a little keyboard, and a clip from your favorite movie (or one your despise). In other words, it's not your grandmother's church! Yet, your grandmother could come (as a matter of fact we would welcome her) and might very well feel at home. Why? Imagine also places for quiet prayer, candles, communion, and a mix of old and new tunes (arranged in a fresh way). Imagine a place where the ancient meets the future. A place where God's mystery is held in high regard, yet also a place where relevance for our lives is important. Imagine a place where life and faith meet - and where we are transformed. 

Maybe that's what it is...

Plus, Saturday church just sounds cool!!!



Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Our story

12 hours, two lattes, and one church history class later, I'm sitting here at the end of the day pondering story. What does it mean when we say, "What's your story?" In the post-modern culture, that seems to be the buzz. In the church, we recognize that we are a part of God's story. Our narrative is woven into God's story in a complex and marvelous way. As I ponder story, I'm also trying to write a script. On Thursday, we're going to shoot two or three brief promo videos for Crossroads. I want to refer to story in one of these. So, what do I say? How important is your story? Do you see a connection between your story and God's narrative? Do you feel like your story is carefully managed and controlled like Jim Carey's character in The Truman Show? Do you feel like it is spiraling out of control? What is your story, and more importantly, how does it connect with others? 

Saturday, February 7, 2009

What about community?

Lesli and I took in the sights and sounds of Glover Park tonight. What is so important about community? Community is where life is shared. Community is where stories are told. Community is where people join together to stand for a cause. I came across a website that was about Glover Park earlier today. It's loaded with details about this small section of Washington, DC. In that, though, I could see how important community is to folks. Community is a ritual. To be in community with a group of people is saying I belong to something. I'm a part of something that is bigger than me when I am part of a community. I look forward to getting to know the people of this community. Hopefully in the process, create more opportunities for community. Remember to mark Saturday, February 28 - 5 PM. 

Joy and Peace!