Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Finding Time

In the midst of Advent, some take time to slow down, reflect, pray and be silent. Some, not so much. For some, that is draining. Some people would rather spend time building community, talking with friends, or sharing a meal with family. Regardless of what it is, it is important to take time. After this week's worship on December 19, we at Crossroads will take time to reflect on the meaning of Advent and Christmas, and its implications for our lives. We will not gather as a community to worship on December 26 or January 2. However, we will resume the Crossroads experience on Saturday, January 9. Please join us as we explore spirituality and journey towards deeper discipleship through as we are empowered by the Holy Spirit. Pass along the word to your friends to join us this Saturday, December 19 at 5 PM as finding time to seek God.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Finding Joy

The season of Advent begins this weekend. We will celebrate Thanksgiving this Thursday, and immediately we will jump into the craze that is the Christmas season. But in the church, the season of Advent comes first. Advent means coming. It is a time where spiritually we prepare ourselves for the comings of Christ - in his birth, in his continually coming through Word and Spirit, and in his return. The mystery is this season is found in the waiting and watching. The community of faith is invited into the richness of this season as we hear the voice of the Prophet Jeremiah speak a word of hope to the Hebrew people, as we hear John the Baptist call us to repent, and we finally bear witness to Immanuel, God is with us through the birth of Jesus. Here are Crossroads, we will explore these themes through a series of worship experiences focused on the theme of "finding joy." We being this weekend with the "Joy of Home." Let us prepare to wait, watch and welcome together.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Grace, Gratitude and Generosity

In 2 Corinthians 9, Paul invites the churches in Asia Minor to give to a collection being taken for the church in Jerusalem. Paul doesn't coerce, misrepresent, or guilt the followers of Christ in these areas. He simply invites them to remember the grace that is present at people of God, the generosity that comes from God and flows out from our lives, and the gratitude that we offer one another and to God. What we do with what we have truly becomes a way of life. Let us reflect on what it means for God to "reign" in our lives. What are you doing with what you have been given?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Called to Serve the City

We serve in many ways. One of the opportunities that we have at Metropolitan is through our annual Tyler Rusch Walk for the Homeless. On Sunday, October 18, you will have a chance to walk to raise money for our homeless shelter ministries across the parish. Find out more information about registration on www.nationalchurch.org. Join us Saturday night as we explore how we can continue to serve God and neighbor in our city.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Called to Serve

"We are called to be light for the Kingdom, to live in the freedom of the City of God. We are called to act with justice, we are called to love tenderly. We are called to love on another, to walk humbly with God."

We begin this week with a look at how we can be engaged with people throughout the world. One of the most amazing efforts to stamp out malaria related deaths is to use bed nets. This video provides a taste of what bed nets mean to the people of Africa.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Little Night Music

Last week I talked about the Power of a Song. This week, we'll get to experience that during and after our Crossroads worship. This week, we present "A Little Night Music" a concert to benefit our music ministries across the Metropolitan Parish. There will be exciting music from In-Process (from Wesley), Dayspring Choir, The Crossroads Band, and various solos from each church. There will be hors d'oeuvres in the garden beginning at 6:30. The concert will get underway at 7:30 followed by dessert and coffee in the garden afterwards. Please make plans to stay for this wonderful night of musical celebration!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Power of a Song

I like singing in my shower because it is all tile and enclosed with a glass door. That means that the acoustics are fantastic! I just love how a particular song sounds in there! No matter where you find yourself singing (in the car, walking your dogs, or in the shower) there is something about the power of a song.

Songs have long been identified as a portal into the soul. You can reach the heart of a person quicker than anything else when you use music. Music calms fears, helps us through trials, encourages us, and speaks out for justice. Whether it is the singing of a lullaby or the powerful words of "We Shall Overcome," songs speak meaning into our lives.

In the book of Ephesians, Paul writes to the church in Ephesus about certain things to avoid (unwise living, etc). He says to "be filled with the Spirit as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, singing and making melody to the Lord in your hearts." A life in the spirit, or a life full of joy is often expressed through the giving of ourselves and our worship. When we sing, we offer praise to God, and we receive peace, comfort, restoration and life!

One of my professors says, "In all the stuff you deal with, where do you find joy!" Many of us find joy in the power of song. In the midst of your day (or your stuff), keep on singing!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The problem of Scripture

I heard someone use the phrase "an eye for an eye" earlier today. Of course, it is a reference of the passage in Exodus 21 when the Hebrew people receive instructions from God through Moses on living as a community, and a nation. I was really upset with the way the person used this. He is a Christian and yet he completely ignores Jesus' call in Matthew 5:38-39 when he says, "You have heard it said, an eye for an eye" but I say (paraphrase) do not resist evil. Turn the other cheek.

Of course this is difficult, but there nothing in scripture that suggest following Jesus is an easy course. We are quick to judge and exact (or wish) for revenge. We often use the Bible as a means of justifying our actions. This is the problem of scripture, er, shall I say the problem with the readers and interpreters?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Saturday Church

A little about who we are!

July 4 worship

Ok, so July 4 is on a Saturday. We are in Washington, DC where you can watch fireworks on the National Mall. We are going to cancel church, right? Not quite! We invite you to enjoy the best of both worlds. Join us for worship in the courtyard beginning at 5 PM. We'll celebrate in worship outdoors followed by food (hopefully from Rockland's BBQ in Glover Park). We'll wrap up by 7 PM and you will still have time to make your way to the mall to watch the fireworks! We are also inviting you to bring items for St. Luke's shelter. Those items can be found on their website: www.saintlukesmethodist.com

Radical Hospitality

What does it mean to welcome? How do we make room in our lives for the strangers we encounter? This week, we are going to explore what it means for our lives to experience a disruption in order to welcome someone into our presence? We will highlight the story from Luke where the King invites guests to his dinner but they are all too busy. He sets the table for one group, but another group takes their place. See you Saturday!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Crossroads Pictures - May 9, 2009

On May 9, our theme was "The Search for Good." During the time of response, there was a prayer station that listed names of local organizations where people can volunteer. Here are a few snapshots from Crossroads.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Wrestling with faith

What are you wrestling with? What is difficult about your faith journey? What would like to know more about? What experiences would you like to share? What inspires you? What challenges you? I'm gathering information for upcoming worship experiences at Crossroads. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the above questions. You can reply to this post, or you can send me a note at jsherrod@mmumc-dc.org.

God of this City

This past Saturday we sang a song called "God of this City" by Chris Tomlin. While we were singing it, we scrolled the names of cities and communities in the Washington Metro region. Charlie's sermon was about the search for good. It was in the context of science and religion. We were challenged to find ways to do good in our own cities and communities. Take a listen, the song is pretty inspiring.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Getting ready for the first Crossroads Worship Experience

Pictures from launch of Crossroads

Tony, Jay, Calvin and Daniel: The Crossroads Band

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What is it...this Crossroads?

So I was thinking (dangerous, I know). Just what in the world is Crossroads? I don't like labels in this case, so I was searching for ways to describe the experience. Imagine an electric guitar, bass guitar, drums, a little keyboard, and a clip from your favorite movie (or one your despise). In other words, it's not your grandmother's church! Yet, your grandmother could come (as a matter of fact we would welcome her) and might very well feel at home. Why? Imagine also places for quiet prayer, candles, communion, and a mix of old and new tunes (arranged in a fresh way). Imagine a place where the ancient meets the future. A place where God's mystery is held in high regard, yet also a place where relevance for our lives is important. Imagine a place where life and faith meet - and where we are transformed. 

Maybe that's what it is...

Plus, Saturday church just sounds cool!!!



Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Our story

12 hours, two lattes, and one church history class later, I'm sitting here at the end of the day pondering story. What does it mean when we say, "What's your story?" In the post-modern culture, that seems to be the buzz. In the church, we recognize that we are a part of God's story. Our narrative is woven into God's story in a complex and marvelous way. As I ponder story, I'm also trying to write a script. On Thursday, we're going to shoot two or three brief promo videos for Crossroads. I want to refer to story in one of these. So, what do I say? How important is your story? Do you see a connection between your story and God's narrative? Do you feel like your story is carefully managed and controlled like Jim Carey's character in The Truman Show? Do you feel like it is spiraling out of control? What is your story, and more importantly, how does it connect with others? 

Saturday, February 7, 2009

What about community?

Lesli and I took in the sights and sounds of Glover Park tonight. What is so important about community? Community is where life is shared. Community is where stories are told. Community is where people join together to stand for a cause. I came across a website that was about Glover Park earlier today. It's loaded with details about this small section of Washington, DC. In that, though, I could see how important community is to folks. Community is a ritual. To be in community with a group of people is saying I belong to something. I'm a part of something that is bigger than me when I am part of a community. I look forward to getting to know the people of this community. Hopefully in the process, create more opportunities for community. Remember to mark Saturday, February 28 - 5 PM. 

Joy and Peace!