Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"Feed the hungry"

On the first Sunday of each month, our community participates in the Salvation Army's Grate Patrol ministry. We make sandwiches for our unhoused neighbors downtown. We then bag those sandwiches up with water, fruit, and protein bars. For many who are homeless, it is their only nightly nourishment. This past week, we included a "hot meal" to what we served. A team gathered on Sunday afternoon to make an awesome chicken and vegetable soup
that was served along with sandwiches.

I am humbled and grateful to be serving along side folks who give their time to serve others. Getting something to eat is a very basic need that we all have. In Matthew 25, Jesus tells us that the way we welcome him is to, among other things, feed those who are hungry. Feeding the hungry goes beyond a "call." It is an imperative given to us by the one who taught us humility and sacrifice.

Indeed, we walk by faith and not by sight. However, there are things that we witness, that we experience, that we get to be a part of that remind us that, ultimately, our love for one another (expressed in many ways) is what rises above all else.

As we grow together, I pray we will be able to expand to another night so that we might feed more. I pray that we will harvest from our community garden plenty of food that will be shared with others. I pray that as we continue to grow in our faithfulness and our service, that God will continue to take a few of us and multiply us so that we can love others just as God loves us.

I am grateful to serve along side of each of you at Crossroads and in the Metropolitan Cooperative Parish.

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