Monday, March 8, 2010

Signs of Life

As beautiful as a fresh fallen snow can be, it is easy to tire of a huge snowstorm on about the third or fourth day. Once the plows have made their way up and down the streets, what we are left with is a huge mess of dirty snow. And then you have to walk over it, around it, and, sometimes, through it. Sometimes the mild winters leaving us wanting more, but not this year (at least in the Washington, DC area). We've seen plenty. After days and days of cold weather and snow on the ground its seems as though the landscape has been encapsulated in a endless black and white photo. It's an image where any sign of color or life is a welcome one. In the past week, I have begun to notice signs of spring. I can see little green sprigs coming up from the ground (they even started poking up through the snow!).

Today, I was walking my dog in the neighborhood, I glanced down and was stopped in my tracks. There is a space that is brown with mud where two very small purple flowers were blooming. Between those two flowers and the green sprigs pushing up through the snow, I was once again reminded of life in the midst of death. I was refreshed with God's invigorating Spirit and subsequent message of life. I am reminded of those moments of darkness (or even blandness) in our lives where hope is scarce and we are not capable of seeing the possibility of an abundant life. Two purple flowers and a couple of green springs poking through the snow reminded that God's love and God's grace is more powerful than any darkness. I am reminded that as recipient's of that love, we, too, are invited to be light in the dark and life in the midst of death.

I love winter. I really do. But I thank God for the promise of spring, new life and hope in the resurrection!

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