Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Aaargh! Why pirates?

What's the deal with pirates?

They're everywhere. From children's parties to Hollywood movies to National Geographic Museum exhibits, we are fascinated by the life and adventures of these 18th century marauders. And from radio stations to Internet culture to the shores of Somalia, we just keep labeling people as pirates.

So why pirates? At Crossroads, we looked at this topic last week and will spend more time on it this coming week. Perhaps, as author and theologian Kester Brewin argues, our cultural fascination with pirates stems from our own feeling of being "blocked" by the economic systems of our day. Perhaps we, like the pirates of the 18th century, sense that things that should be held in common are being concentrated in the hands of the few. Perhaps we are seeking a kind of community and a kind of lifestyle outside the carefully defined--and often violently protected--boundaries of world powers.

We don't want to romanticize the violent life of pirates. But we do think it's worth asking: why pirates? And what, if anything, does our interest in them have to tell us about Jesus?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Telling Stories

Here at Crossroads, we've been talking a lot about stories recently. In particular, we've been looking at biblical stories and asking ourselves: "How do I find myself in this story? How does this story intersect with my own? How do I connect with God's story?"

On June 30, we talked about how we share our stories with others, and how we listen to stories outside the walls of the church. We left worship carrying a stone to remind us to share pieces of our faith story with people who might not normally step foot in a church building.

This Sunday, we got to meet our new pastor, Dottie.

She shared some of her own story, and also looked at the concept of "The Better Story" in the film The Life of Pi--the story of mystery and awe. The story of imagination. The story of God.

This month we'll be looking at movies that were nominated for Oscars this past year, but we're not done with stories. We're still learning how to share them, how to listen to them, and how to look for God's story and God's activity in the world. We are learning, together, how to participate in that story as we are sent out to serve.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Transition and Transformation

Grace and peace to you!

Crossroads is in an exciting time of transition. As you probably know, Jimmy has moved on to a new opportunity for ministry and service. Dottie Yunger, who will serve as the pastor at Crossroads, will join us at the beginning of July. Throughout June, we will continue our journey of transformation together. We will continue to gather together for inspiring worship, challenging messages, and creative community. And we will continue to be sent out to serve--and to learn from--the world around us.

Last Sunday was Reconciling Sunday, where we celebrate our commitment to welcome and serve all people, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, race, class, or any of the other categories society usually uses to divide us. This Sunday, Rev. Dr. Carol Cook Moore will again be sharing a message with us. This time she will focus on God's faithfulness in times of leanness. Have you experienced God's faithfulness? Or are you struggling to see God at work in your life? Either way--and anywhere in between--you are welcome to bring all of who you are to worship at Crossroads.

Let's be in prayer and communion together during this time of transition. And may the peace of Christ, which is beyond all of our understanding, be with you.


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Finding Yourself in the Story

Story is powerful. We all have a story. Where you were born. Where you grew up. Your faith story. Your family history. All of these elements and characters from your life make up your story. From a faith perspective, one of the challenges that we have is to find ways to connect with what our faith is saying and to put that into action. In May and June, we are going to be trying to do that. We will explore various biblical characters and delve a little into their stories in hopes of finding a little of ourselves. Their journeys. Their sacrifices. Their dilemmas. All of those things we can read, learn from and resonate with. We'll journey with Samuel, Rebekah, Peter, Gideon, Isaac, Cornelius and others. Each week we will ponder their relationship with God and how God worked through each of them. As we do, we will ask "where do we find ourselves in these stories?"

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Holy Week Begins...

Our journey to the cross that culminates in joyful celebration on Easter will begin this Sunday. Join us for Palm to Passion as we encounter the highs of the hosannas and the lows of the passion. We'll let the stories wash over us as we yearn to encounter and live into mystery and the questions once again. Here's a full listing of our Holy Week Services.

Monday, July 2, 2012

One Voice...

Here's the song that we sang in worship last night! It's called One Voice.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A blast of life!!!

My heart sings tonight. I am so grateful to be a part of the Metropolitan Cooperative Parish, and the Metropolitan, Crossroads and Wesley faith communities. There is so much good energy and spirit that's taking place right now. My heart sings for Pentecost energy. The kind of energy that is a blast of life that fills every part of your body and causes your soul to sing out in joy.

Last week, folks participated in campus kitchen project, we heard stories from three residents of the St. Luke's Shelter, we shared a meal together, and we planted in the St. Luke's Community Garden for our hunger ministries.

On top of that, we celebrated in worship what God is doing in our midst. I'm telling you, my heart is singing right now. Singing a song of hope, of joy, and justice.

What's gonna happen this week? How is God gonna show up? How will our hearts sing with the Pentecost energy that breathes the very breath of God into our lives?

I don't know, but I can't wait to see and then to sing some more! Will you join me?
