Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What is it...this Crossroads?

So I was thinking (dangerous, I know). Just what in the world is Crossroads? I don't like labels in this case, so I was searching for ways to describe the experience. Imagine an electric guitar, bass guitar, drums, a little keyboard, and a clip from your favorite movie (or one your despise). In other words, it's not your grandmother's church! Yet, your grandmother could come (as a matter of fact we would welcome her) and might very well feel at home. Why? Imagine also places for quiet prayer, candles, communion, and a mix of old and new tunes (arranged in a fresh way). Imagine a place where the ancient meets the future. A place where God's mystery is held in high regard, yet also a place where relevance for our lives is important. Imagine a place where life and faith meet - and where we are transformed. 

Maybe that's what it is...

Plus, Saturday church just sounds cool!!!



1 comment:

  1. This really sounds like a cool service. I hope I can get up there to attend one some time. I really like the name and the logo. I think it is a very fitting name in several ways. You've been putting a lot of work and thought into this and you have been very dedicated, I know it will be great.

    All the best,
