Thursday, April 5, 2012

point, no, show me the way!

I just witnessed a powerful example of radical hospitality. How many times have you asked someone for directions and they stand there and point, or they try to give you cumbersome directions that send your mind to spinning?

Just a few minutes ago, a woman came into our church office and said she was hoping to bring her mother to church here on Sunday (for Easter). They have never been here, and her mother is in a wheelchair. She simple asked, "how do I get in?" Rather than just point or try to give cumbersome instructions, our front desk volunteer was incredibly joyful and hospitable. Without hesitation, she offered to show the woman around our church, including taking her to the entrance so that she could find the accessibility ramp into the building and the elevator, should she need it.

In our rushed lives, we simply want to stop and point. What if we took the time to not only point or to give a few words, but what if we took the time to "show the way?" Where in our lives and in our church can we go beyond pointing and really extend radical hospitality.

Next time someone asks you where the coffee is located or where a class is meeting, consider taking time to walk them there. When you do that, you also have a unique opportunity to begin to build a relationship. In the process of that, as we create authentic and meaningful relationships we also share the story of God's love.

Something to think about...
