Wednesday, January 27, 2010

We listen to hear...what is our response?

Last week at Crossroads, we explored what it means to really listen to hear God's voice. We listen to hear in the midst of the craziness of life. We listen to hear in the midst of turmoil. We listen to hear in the midst of struggles. We listen to hear when times are good. So what? What if we do listen? What if we don't like what we've heard? How do we respond? When Jesus taught in the synagogue in Luke 4, when he mentioned that he has come not only for the Jewish people but for others as well, they got ticked at him. They were so upset that they tried to throw him off a cliff. How do we respond?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Haiti Emergency

This past Tuesday, a massive 7.0 earthquake rocked Haiti. Port-au-Prince was hit very hard, and thousands are feared dead, missing, and injured. People are without homes, food and water are scarce, and many are searching for loved ones. The United Methodist Church, and the Crossroads faith community is calling all people to be in prayer for the people of Haiti. We pray that rescuers will be able to do their jobs, that supplies will reach the needed areas, and that comfort will come to those affected in and outside the country.

In addition to our prayers, you are invited to give to the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). UMCOR is an outstanding United Methodist organization that provides relief across the world. 100% of what you give goes directly to the need. You are invited to give online at

We will receiving a special offering for the relief effort in Haiti this Saturday night at Crossroads. We will also join together as a community of faith to pray for the people affected.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bokamoso Youth Choir this Saturday

The Bokamoso Youth Choir from South Africa will be joining us for worship this Saturday, January 9 at 5 PM.