Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The problem of Scripture

I heard someone use the phrase "an eye for an eye" earlier today. Of course, it is a reference of the passage in Exodus 21 when the Hebrew people receive instructions from God through Moses on living as a community, and a nation. I was really upset with the way the person used this. He is a Christian and yet he completely ignores Jesus' call in Matthew 5:38-39 when he says, "You have heard it said, an eye for an eye" but I say (paraphrase) do not resist evil. Turn the other cheek.

Of course this is difficult, but there nothing in scripture that suggest following Jesus is an easy course. We are quick to judge and exact (or wish) for revenge. We often use the Bible as a means of justifying our actions. This is the problem of scripture, er, shall I say the problem with the readers and interpreters?