Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Celebrating a year in ministry

Starting a new church or even a new worshiping community in an already existing church is a challenge. There is the challenge of the unknown. What should we expect? What will it be like? The challenge of fear. What if we can't make it? How long will we last? What if no one comes? There is also the challenge of societies view towards religion, particularly Christianity (of which, some of the criticism is deserved). It is daunting, challenging and overwhelming.

Yet, here we stand one year into our Crossroads ministry. The worshiping community is powerful. It is exciting. It is dynamic. It is deeply spiritual. It connects our life to the ever flowing life-giving baptismal waters that God touches us with. Each week, we are strengthened by God's grace through Holy Communion. Each week, our community reaches out to those who have gathered and say, "you are loved."

There is much to celebrate since we started one year ago. But like our spiritual journey, we are not where we want to be. We should be engaged in further mission to the community and larger city. We desire to go deeper in our Bible Study. We are challenged to think critically about our faith and the role of the church (in a society that increasingly has no use for it). So, we celebrate for a day the past year while we pray and sing about the future.

I hope you will join us for Crossroads this week. We will continue our Lenten journey, we will celebrate, we will worhsip, we will be in community, and we will hope.

See you at 5 PM this Saturday.


Do all the good you can...

Crossroads is participating in a food drive for Bread for the City. Through March 20, you are invited to bring items to Crossroads or our main office at Metropolitan (3401 Nebraska Ave.) to be delivered to Bread for the City.

Seeking to provide healthy food to their clients, Bread for the City suggest donations of the following items:

Canned Tuna, Chicken, or Salmon
Canned Fruit, preferably in its own juice
1 lb packages of Dried Beans
1 lb packages of Brown Rice
Whole Grain Pasta
Canned Vegetables, low-sodium preferred
Canned Tomato Sauce or Spaghetti Sauce, low sodium
Boxed Cereal

Other non-perishable food items will be accepted as well. We’ve set an ambitious goal of collecting 2010 items. So please contribute generously! Volunteers are welcome to help with the sorting and delivery on Saturday, March 20 from 9 – noon in the Great Hall at Metropolitan Memorial.